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1.  Where I can change the prefixes for output on long-distance line and on international line? We use "0" for long-distance line and "00" for international line.

To change prefixes you need to enter Settings/Main Settings select the tab SMDR and than change prefix "8" on prefix "0" and prefix "810" on prefix "00". Press the button apply or OK.

2.  If there is a difference what file Calls.dbf collects information?

There is no difference. The only thing is that it should be the same file.

3.  I downloaded Wintariff and Blitz TAPI SMDR but I haven't understood how they cooperate.

I downloaded Wintariff and Blitz TAPI SMDR but I haven't understood how they cooperate. Blitz TAPI SMDR (PRO) for PBX Panasonic KX-TD/KX-TDA together with WinTariff is used instead of Writing Module (PbxCollect.exe or PbxCollect_NTservice.exe). In order to work Blitz TAPI SMDR (PRO) correct, Writing Module should not start!

  1. Follow the instructions install Wintariff 2.06.14 or higher. Disable Writing Module (PbxCollect.exe or PbxCollect_NTservice.exe).
  2. Download TSP driver here http://www.blitz-cti.com/download/. Install and set TSP driver (how to install TSP driver you can find here http://www.blitz-cti.com/faq/ on computer, on which Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO will be installed. Then make sure that TAPI interface between computer and PBX works.
  3. Install latest version of Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO (we send you the installation in attached file). Also you need to read the instruction (Help) for Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO.
  4. Start Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO and you need to point out where to create COS.dbf base at first start of program. Enter in Main settings.
  5. Check in tab the list of EXT numbers and check if you have an opportunity to change them COS in column Use.

    If there is icon "cross" you can not change COS, but if icon "Tick" you can change COS the in column Use.
  6. Set in Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO path to DB of calls for Wintariff 2.x
  7. Download and install Wintariff 2.06.14 from site http://www.phonewarez.net
  8. To activate and to enable support of Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO you need to add in file Tariff32.ini next block:
    [Blitz COS]
  9. After that open Wintariff in section "Settings" the item "Blitz TAPI" will appear.
  10. Open in WinTariff (not below than 2.06.14) "Settings/Blitz TAPI".
    Point out the path to COS.dbf and fill the table of integration, for example:
    - COS1 – this COS is need at check in the guest;
    - COS2 – this COS is need at exhausted deposits by guest;
    - COS3 - this COS is need at check out the guest.

    After setting item Blitz TAPI in section "Settings" this block in Tariff32.ini will be next, for example:
    [Blitz COS]
    BlitzCOSpath=C:\Program Files\Blitz Team\Blitz TAPI SMDR\DB\COS.dbf
    [Blitz COS data]
    Item01=Ordinary guest can make only local calls|5|8|7
    Item02=Ordinary guest can make long-distance calls|3|8|7
    Item03=Ordinary guest can make international calls|1|8|7
    Item04=VIP guest can make international calls|1|1|7
    Item05=Employee |2|4|7


4.  Could I please have instructions on how to install the key...

To do this, you should:

  1. Right-click on EXE file (Setup_Blitz_TAPI_SMDR_PRO.exe or Setup_Blitz_TAPI_SMDR.exe) and select Properties. Go to Compatibility tab and in "Change setting for all users" enable "Run this program in compatibility mode for" option. Select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" . Privilege level set as run this program as an administrator. Apply the changes and run install the Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO 3.X or Blitz TAPI SMDR 2.X on your computer;
  2. These same properties, i.e. run as administrator in compatibility mode for XP SP3, need set for Blitz TAPI SMDR.exe file after installation;
  3. when you first start the program will ask to fill in a registration, it can be found just by going to the "Help / Registration";
  4. fill elements in the registration form and click "OK";
  5. after that, a letter with the registration data is generated automatically opens in installed on your computer OutlookExpress or Windows Live Mail, and you can send us a letter. If the letter is not automatically opened for delivery, you can find it in the root folder where the program is installed, the default it is C:\Program Files\Blitz Team\Blitz TAPI SMDR or C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Blitz Team\Blitz TAPI SMDR (for Win7), as a file snd.eml. Send a file snd.eml to us by e-mail a convenient way for you.;
  6. after obtaining the registration ID, we will generate you individual key. ID for registration is generated based on the serial numbers of all hard drives installed on your computer and "user name". This key is only suitable to your computer;
  7. when the key is created, we will send it to you. You will need to open the Help / Input a New Key and copy the key that we sent to you to the "Serial Number" cell. At the same time, make sure that the cell "User Name" is contains already a name that you entered when filling out the registration data, ie, it is the same that you sent as UserName: in send.eml file. After the introduction of the "serial number" and check the "User Name", press "OK". Restart the program. In "Help/About the program Blitz TAPI SMDR" after the line "This copy is registred to" will stand Your UserName from send.eml file. ;


5.  Does TAPI support any other pabx we'd like to say that TAPI this is Microsoft interface and is supported almost by all pabx?

Panasonic uses extandant TAPI functions to control the limit of calls. May be these functions are not supported by other PBX TSP driver.


6.   Does your program keep log SMDR only in WinTariff?

Blitz TAPI SMDR log file generates calls for Wintariff and in *. Txt text file or in *. CSV file. Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO generates a calls log as well in SQL Databases MySQL, MS-SQL, FireBird, Oracle.


7.  Does I downloaded and installed your program. As database I decided to use MySQL Server. I entered user's name and password for access to DB, but program put out the error "The database source name not found and no default driver specified?

For use as a MySQL database server in the first place you need to download it. You can do that here www.mysql.com. There do not forget to download and install the ODBC driver version 3.51 for MySQL, since Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO works with SQL databases via ODBC. And if you want to use as a database of MS-SQL Server (if you do not have it yet) you need to buy it on a CD in a specialty store.


8.   What version MySQLServer and ODBCdriver can be used for operation of your programs?

We checked the MySQL 5 and MySQL 4 with mysql-connector-odbc-3.51 Please use odbc driver - 3.51, as odbc driver 5.X is not yet supported.


9.  It is impossible to create a file for Wintariff calls.dbf using Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO or Blitz TAPI SMDR, when installed in Win7, Win8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012. Why?

In these operating systems, the default is no ODBC driver for Visual FoxPro. Likely ODBC driver vfpodbc.msi must install yourself. The last place where we were able to download vfpodbc.msi.


10.   MultiPBX Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO does not open and does not work properly.

To work correctly multipbx version Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO necessary for each PBX to provide a unique "name PBX" which is given in paragraph 2.9 Option 6 (CTI) PCMC.



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