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Blitz Caller ID Display

Improved working with the call log in Blitz Caller ID Display 6.3.5.

Blitz Caller ID Display 6.3.5. : 1. "Setting of calls log" and "Select columns" is now available in the appropriate tabs of the window calls log. 2 . "Shortcuts" - value settings are now displayed in front of the corresponding item in the context menu.


Improved working with the notes about calls in Blitz Caller ID Display 6.3.5.

Blitz Caller ID Display 6.3.5. : 3. Last note for the client or the company calls placed now top of the list. 4. Changed method of presentation notes about the client and about the company in the "Notes on the calls".


Improvements with the corporate address book in Blitz Caller ID Display 6.2.12.

Blitz Caller ID Display 6.2.12.: 1. Search - added sorting by company type. 2. Text last notes you see in the corresponding line. 3. New Button "More". 4. Changed algorithm edit the corporate address book.



Wintariff with Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO or Blitz TAPI SMDR in Win7, Win8, Win Server 2008, WinServer 2012

We found the reason why the form does not always work for Wintariff calls.dbf file or record in his log calls using Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO or Blitz TAPI SMDR, if they are installed in Win7, Win8, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012.


New version Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO 3.1.21

Elimination of some problems by operation of program Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO with MySQL. The coding method at record in DB MySQL and the algorithm of restoring connection with MySQL are changed.


New versions Blitz TAPI SMDR 2.1.14 and Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO 3.1.14 are available.

New versions Blitz TAPI SMDR 2.1.14 and Blitz TAPI SMDR PRO 3.1.14 for gathering SMDR of the information through TAPI the interface for office automatic telephone exchanges Panasonic KX-TD and Panasonic KX-TDA are available.


Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server

The new version of Blitz KXTD TAPI Server

The new version of Blitz KXTD TAPI Server with increased stability and new features and options. On July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 announced the action on free installation Blitz KXTD TAPI Server for PBX Panasonic KX-TD / KX-TDA / KX-TDE / KX-NCP. You only need to provide access through TeamViewer to your computer which has an interface to connect to the PBX for TAPI exchange.


The new version of Blitz KXTD TAPI Server

The new version of CTI server for PBX Panasonic - Blitz KXTD TAPI Server likely this latest version for 5.xx major.Attention! It is not supported MySQL ODBC driver version 3.51.


New Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server BETA 5.0.14. (Until the status BETA)

New Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server BETA 5.0.14. (Until the status BETA)Radically redesigned address book. Added new tables in the database and changed in the old ones. Reworked indexing tables and format SQL queries. Workplaces the Blitz Caller ID Display (current version 6.0.9) and the Blitz Supervisor (current version 3.0.10) were reworked.


Blitz Supervisor

Blitz Supervisor 3.2.0

Blitz Supervisor 3.2.0 1. Appeared on-line information about DISA lines and CO lines2. Appeared tab "Address Book" in the report filter "Calls Select" to sort calls by clients, companies or company type.3. There are more items in the "Settings" tab in the report filter "Calls Select".

