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Blitz Caller ID Display

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Incoming calls.

Direction of a call:

  • incoming outside call;
  • incoming extension call.

The subscriber's phone number and name nominated to him:

  • at an outside call - subscriber's phone number and name if it is nominated, calling to you from ouside line;
  • at an intercom call - subscriber's phone number and name if it is nominated, calling to you an EXT-line.

The phone number and name nominated to it which was dialed by calling subscriber:

  • at an outside call - the phone number and name which was dialed by calling subscriber. If this number was not defind that intercom number and name of your own line is displayed;
  • at an intercom call - the phone number and name if it is nominated which was dialed by calling subscriber in EXT-line.

Outgoing calls.

Direction of a call:

  • outgoing outside call;
  • outgoing intercom call.

Subscriber's phone number and name:

  • at an outside call - the phone number and name if it is nominated in outside line, which is dialed by you;
  • at an intercom call - the phone number and name if it is nominated in EXT-line, which is dialed by you.

The phone number and name of connected subscriber:

  • at an outside call - the subscriber's phone number and name if it is nominated in outside line who answered on your call;
  • at an intercom call - the subscriber's phone number and name if it is nominated in EXT-line who answered on your call.

The conference.

After the connection was finished and phone was put off, the information about last call will appear on your screen. This information is accessible at maximize the window and keeps up to the next incoming or outgoing call.

Multiply windows.

Since version 3.0. Blitz CallerID Display can display several calls that come simultaneously on one EXT line. For example: if you press the key "Hold" on telephone during the conversation and dial another telephone number, there will be already 2 calls on this line - first, which is on hold and second - is current.

Also several calls can come simultaneously on one EXT number if the function "Call Waiting Tone" is switched on in PBX for this EXT number.

Their maximum amount depends only on your PBX and Blitz CallerID Display can display it without restrictions.W

Drop panel.

When you press pictogram in right bottom corner of program's main menu, you can display or hide drop panel. With the help of this panel you can answer, drop or recall the last dialed number or certain number:

Pop up window with information about call.

At the moment when you make a outgoing call or when incoming call comes near tray you will see the small pop up window with information about call:

All information in this window displays similarly as in the program main window.

Calls log

Since version 3.3the opportunity of viewing of calls for certain last period of time is realized. It is possible to set the period from 1 till 365 days.

However this opportunity only works in case Blitz CallerID Display works with PBX through server Blitz KXTD TAPI Server versions not below 3.1.0 since calls log get from a database to which they are written by this server.


Next window allows you to call arbitrary number:

To open the window you can:

  • from the calls log by clicking the row with the number what you need and in this case number from this row will be entered automatically in "Dialing number" field taking into consideration prefix of outdise line's exit;
  • to choose "Call" item from system menu;
  • to choose "Call" item from tray menu.

However this opportunity only works in case Blitz CallerID Display works with PBX through server Blitz KXTD TAPI Server versions not below 3.2.0