Blitz KXTD TAPI Server — CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) server for
connecting applications
Blitz Caller ID Display,
Blitz COM and
Blitz Supervisor
to manage and monitor the telephone line of PBX Panasonic on users' computers.
Allows you to:
keep a detailed log of incoming and outgoing calls to selected SQL database to provide
the call log or samples on filters on user workstations with Blitz Caller ID Display and
Blitz Supervisor
have a server connection for user workstations Blitz Caller ID Display, Blitz COM and Blitz
Supervisor. Law on access to information, monitoring or management for specific internal PBX lines
for the workplace, determined by the administrator in the user profile settings to connect to the
Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server.
bill toll calls using call accounting software
Wintariff and option Blitz SMDR, pull shortchange tasksetter cost
of calls to the table log of incoming and outgoing calls. Provide information about the cost of the
call in the call log Blitz Caller ID Display and sample calls Blitz Supervisor.
manage the costs of users of telephone calls using "budget" option if the cost of calls
is billed computer Wintariff. Set limits on the user's extension cost per day, week, month of the
Blitz Supervisor. Limit users to control the remains of Blitz Supervisor and Blitz Caller ID Display.
Automatically block the possibility of paid outgoing calls when the user exceeds their limit.
create own IVR scenarios using the IVR option based OGM messages recorded on cards DISA or SVM.
In IVR has the ability to record in the log action of the subscriber, make authentication password
entered by the subscriber or Caller ID, transmit to the database entered figures by the subscriber,
obtain from the database validation of input figures to continue and to select branches script IVR,
implement CAll Back to callers and etc.
have a corporate phone book. You can bind any phone number before, during and after a call
to a client (person), a company, type of a company in the Blitz Caller ID Display. You can
see who owns the phone number for an incoming call on-line users in the workplace, as well as in
the call log Blitz Caller ID Display and sample calls Blitz Supervisor. You can specify the client
(person), the company , the type of company as a parameter to filter the sample calls the
workplace Blitz Caller ID Display and Blitz Supervisor and search for the desired number for
outgoing calls Blitz Caller ID Display.
Rights filling, editing, and getting information from the corporate address book settings defined
by the administrator in a connection profile for each workstation in its registration Blitz KX-TD
TAPI Server.
flexibly distribute incoming calls from any selected CO line or
DID / DDI numbers depending on Caller ID caller or lack thereof, or of the mask phone number,
or the phone number belongs to the client (person), the company, type of company from the company
phonebook DB Blitz KXTD TAPI Server.
Forwarding to the list of possible extensions consisting of users, virtual numbers of incoming calls
distribution groups of PBX, names of user profiles when users often change the internal number, IVR
script names in the Blitz KXTD TAPI Server, actions to end the call or do not handle it.
Thus, this feature allows you to easily create "black" and "gray" lists to protect your phone system
from phreaking, toll fraud, dial-through fraud, hacking, phone spam, Cold calling, phone flood,
phone storm attack, telephone DoS attack, called telephony denial of service (or TDoS),
or to attach different types of customers and businesses for individual managers.
integrate with systems for recording telephone calls from different manufacturers, to find and listen to audio calls from the call log Blitz Caller ID Display and from the sample calls Blitz Supervisor.
Terms search audio calls for each CO line or EXT can be described individually, so you can use almost any speech archivers different manufacturers for different types of CO lines with the same PBX . The currently supported manufacturers and types of speech archives , which have built-in utility with a template settings :
- Telest;
- SpRecord;
- AudioRem, DigiVoice, DigiReg, DogEar, Magnus, Dome , Ocean Tech , etc.;
- Mars, Altron , AMUR;
The right to listen to audio calls specific internal phones is determined by the administrator for
each workstation in the profile settings to connect to the Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server.
transmit on-line information about incoming and outgoing calls to extention PBX, trunks CO
and DISA lines, lines belonging to the group call distribution, as well as the state of the call
queue for incoming calls distribution groups PBX, the state operators call center (ready/not ready,
LogIn/LogOut, resume, free/busy, DND, FWD, out of service) to generate and display the on-line
counters, tables, graphs of the operators Call Center and generate various reports of its work
through workplace Blitz Supervisor;
integrate with external CRM applications directly on-line transmitting information about
the call in the external CRM client through TCP/IP, through the spooled file, through a stored
procedure in SQL databases or through the Blitz COM using COM object on a computer CRM client or
through workplace Blitz Caller ID Display by opening scenario WEB/URL or JAVA.
Installing Blitz KXTD TAPI Server
In order to get acquainted with the software Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server,
enough download and install the distribution on a computer connected to the PBX.
How to do it will help you on-line help. Do not forget that the computer must be installed and
configured TAPI exchange PBX using TSP driver.
For work Blitz KX-TD TAPI Server need preset Base
Data Server and ODBC driver. It may be:
Blitz KXTD TAPI Server consists of three applications:
- BlitzKXTDServTAPI - CTI server itself runs as a service.
- BlitzKXTDServConsole - by which entered all the necessary settings for the service by filling the database tables.
- BlitzKXTDServRunner - Service monitors the status of TAPI and BlitzKXTDServTAPI.
Scheme of installing Blitz KXTD TAPI Server with Panasonic KX-TD1232 or KX-TD500 via RS-232.

Scheme of installing Blitz KXTD TAPI Server with Panasonic KX-TDA30, KX-TDA50, KX-TDA100, KX-TDA200, KX-TDA600 via USB.

Scheme of installing Blitz KXTD TAPI Server with Panasonic KX-TDA30, KX-TDA50, KX-TDA100, KX-TDA200, KX-TDA600,
KX-TDE100, KX-TDE200, KX-TDE600, KX-NCP500, KX-NCP1000 via LAN.

The demo version does not differ from working and fully functional for 30 days after installation.
The only restriction is 8 simultaneous connections for users Blitz Caller ID Display or Blitz COM,
one simultaneous connection to Blitz Supervisor, included options Blitz SMDR, "Budget" and "IVR" for